Convicted child rapist to represent Netherlands at Paris Olympics

Source: 6/8/24

A convicted child rapist will compete at the Olympics in Paris.

Steven van de Velde, 29, who was named to the Dutch beach volleyball team last month, was sentenced to four years in prison in Great Britain in 2016 following the rape of a 12-year-old girl two years earlier when he was 19, Reuters reported.

Much like in the U.S. statutory rape is defined in England as unforced sexual activity where one of the individuals is younger than the age required to consent to the behavior.

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More power to him. May he win gold.

What is the point of this article? Is it to shame him? Is it to make yourself feel better because you could be warning others perhaps? Is it to show how far the US is behind the rest of the established world in this arena? Is it to show how advanced the Dutch are in working with matters such as this? Is it maybe all of the above depending on the perspective one wants to take? Maybe it’s just merely clickbait because revenue is down this quarter? No point in this article.

“Deeply concerned… that anyone convicted of sexually assaulting a minor…,” stated Ju’Riese Colon, CEO for the US Center for SafeSport. (Keyword in italics)

Since when was non-forced sex risen to the egregiousness of sexual assault?

Heh…. “money and medals” over [child] safety… how does Ms. Colon explain away those teams containing minors who live in a country which AoC laws make it not illegal? If it’s unforced and undamaging, who is she to criticize the Netherland Beach Volleyball’s move of reincluding Van de Velde? (Most especially after he has paid his dues to English society)

But, hey. Me, I’m minimally effected, since we’ve seen it time and again: some of those many who angrily uphold institutional bans and exile of PFR end up becoming victims of their own foul play. Some time, some where, some how.

Last edited 7 months ago by AC

“We know Steven’s history…,” said Michel Everaert, general director at Nevobo. “He was convicted at the time according to English law and he has served his sentence.”

Wow, independent thinking and standing up to contrary public opinion. Bravo Mr. Everaert.

would be awesome if he were to win gold in a finals match against the Brits! Talk about the ultimate burn.

They can take their concern and shove it. I bet my entire salary for the year that he won’t do anything illegal.

I would like someone to explain in detail what exactly they would expect this man to do at the Olympics that they need to prevent. Not hint at, insinuate, or suppose. Specifics. And to explain them without sounding overly alarmist or outright foolish.

Original story as linked to in this M article on the subject and person detailed: IOC played no part in Dutch decision to select convicted rapist (Reuters (Berlin) 8 Jul 2024)

They look at the IOC banning other athletes but not this one based upon their actions.

Last edited 7 months ago by TS

No matter what happens, the State will demand that the registry does not promote discrimination nor violence… no matter how many people get killed, no matter how, and no matter who. The Florida man that got ran down in the parking lot just because the driver of the attacking car thought he was a PFR, makes that clear. Just the suggestion that a person might be a PFR is good enough to motivate violence in some.

How much longer until someone recognizes the “Murder by Proxy” possibilities of this, assuming nobody already has? Also, always plenty of room for PFRs in the “Acceptable Losses” dumpster, but what about people that aren’t PFRs? My guess is there will also be plenty of room for as many of them as they can magic think justifications for.